As the mania phase of the bull market commences it will inevitably fool the majority of people into thinking that the music will never stop. We have all been there at one time or another where we have made the horrifying mistake of round-tripping huge gains after making what could have been a “life changing” sum.
This report is going to be a complete guide for you, to not only learn how to take profits in the right way but also, to help you understand how to spot tops and reversals in the market like a professional. It will help you identify key sentiment indicators within your personal psychology, and within the behavior of those around you.
This is not your average guide to profit taking which so many people get wrong. We are not simply telling you things like “take half off after a double.” As we know, doing what everyone else does or what everyone else is taught is rarely if ever the correct way to do things. This is a volatile market and prices often go much higher than you can anticipate so advice like that can take your money and leave you gasping.
This is not only a summation of some of the best strategies and rules to keep you in the trade as long as possible, but it’s also a journal of personal experiences over the years that I have had to learn the hard way. These hard lessons can be invaluable to you but only if you learn from them. Take this guide, revisit it often, and it may just be the most valuable report that you have ever read.
Any fool can make money in a bull market but only the people that are truly ready for it will keep it.